Relief Valves
Cross Section
Cavity Details
Hybrid SAE Cartridge - 420 bar
Direct acting - Poppet type
RVB0.S09 Valve Series
Technical Features
All external surfaces are zinc plated and corro-
sion-proof. All valve parts are made of high strength
steel. Poppet is hardened and ground to guarantee
minimal wear and to extend service life. Positive stop
prevents springs from going solid. Optional spring
ranges to 420 bar (6000 psi). Warning: Adjustment
screw doesn’t have a positive stop wich prevents it
from being backed out of the valve. Industry com-
monly used hybrid cavity “SAE09”.
A screw-in, cartridge style, direct acting, poppet
type, normally closed hydraulic relief valve. It’s
typically used to protect hydraulic components
from pressure transients. When the pressure at the
Inlet (1) reaches the valve setting, the valve star-
ts to open to tank (2) and thanks to the effect of
the deflector integrated into the poppet it provides
a limited pressure rise. The cartridge offers excel-
lent response to load changes in hydraulic circuits
requiring low internal leakage as well as limited
Technical Data
Specications may change without notice.
Ordering Code
Maximum operating pressure 420 bar
Maximum flow 35 l/min
Setting Pressure See table below
Maximum internal leakage 0,25 cm
/min to 80% of nominal set point
External component treatment
Zn/Fe - standard (96h)
Zn/Ni (720h)
O-ring Temperature Range -30° C to 110° C (standard sealing NBR - BUNA-N)
Oil Temperature Range -30° C to 110° C
Pressure settings established @5 l/min
Reseat pressure nominal 90% of cracking pressure
Fluids Mineral - based or synthetics with lubricating properties
Viscosities 7,4 to 420 cSt
Filtration 20/18/15 ISO 4406 (maximum ltration admitted)
Orientation No restrictions
Installation torque 40-45 Nm (Hex. 20)
Tightening torque nut 25-30 Nm (Hex. 19)
Technical specications for characterization See page 480
Oil testing condition ISO VG 46 cSt
Seal kit code SK.031
Plastic tamper proof cap CTP.001 (for more details see page 428-429)
Weight 0,100 kg
Relief Valves
Springs’ Graphs
RVB0.S09 Valve Series
Spring = S (10 - 160bar)
Spring = N (71 - 180bar)
Flow (l/min)
Flow (l/min)
Flow (l/min)
Pressure (bar)
Pressure (bar)
Pressure (bar)
p/Q performance
p/Q performance
p/Q performance
Spring = Y (15 - 70bar)
Note: The performance chart illustrates flow handling capacity for each
spring bias options. p/Q curves are recorded at TOil = 40°C and 46 cSt
Specications may change without notice.
p/Q performance
Flow (l/min)
Pressure (bar)
Spring = G (281 - 350bar)
Spring = V (351 - 420bar)
Spring = B (181 - 280bar)
p/Q performance
p/Q performance
Flow (l/min)
Flow (l/min)
Pressure (bar)
Pressure (bar)